If your unit is in high demand the price you can get is a lot more than if there are too many of these on the market for sale right now.

A lot of this depends on the supply and demand of your unit. The low end starts at 235 and goes all the way up to 1099. So those items will be added to the list of items that you can't dispose of in Massachusetts come Nov. The prices people are selling these for is on the low end all the way to the high end.

Here are the following items according to : One thing you should be aware of is that come November 1, 2022, there are three items that you'll no longer be able to dispose of (or there will be limitations on how much of a certain item you can dispose of) in Massachusetts as the state will be expanding its 'Waste Disposal Bans" list. There Will be Three Items Added to Massachusetts' List of Waste Disposal Bans in a Couple of Months