MERIDA DISCARDS APPLE AND WIPES MOUTH WITH SLEEVE (caution: this is not proper manners. QUEEN DISAPPOINTED AND HINTS THAT SHE PRESENT HERSELF PROPERLY. I became a sister with 3 new brothers, the princes Hamish, Hubert, and Harris. The story of how my father lost a leg to the demon bear Mor’du became a legend. It’s the one thing we search for, or fight to change. Others say fate is woven together like a cloth, so that one’s destiny intertwines with many others. Some say our destiny is tied to the land, as much a part of us as we are of it. SCENE OF KING SWORDFIGHTING WITH AMPUTATED LEG. QUEEN AND MERIDA ESCAPE ON HORSEBACK, MERIDA WITNESSING… Oh come on, let’s go, before we see a dancing charging bubu or a giant. Merida! Come home, sweetheart, we’re leaving now…Ī wisp? You know, child, they, the will-o’-the-wisps, lead you to your fate. MERIDA SEEKS HER MISSED ARROW IN THE FOREST, AND FINDS IT. Draw all the way back to your cheek, keep both eyes open, and … boost. Young Merida: Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? Please, can I?įergus: Not with that. Where is my little Birthday girl, hm? I’m going to gobble her up when I find her!Įlinor: Ach! Fergus, no weapons on the table! The if-part is cruel behind-your-back the then-part is cruel in-your-face!–ImmyĬommentary installed into script… NOT part of movie! Typos please point out and leave a comment!Įlinor: Where are you? Come out! Come out! Come on out! I’m coming to get you!Įlinor: Where are you, you little rascal? I’m coming to get you!Įlinor: Hmm. If Tangled is like the Hunger Games, then Brave is like Mockingjay.