Introduction to business law textbook pdf
Introduction to business law textbook pdf

After all, to quote another great man: “Less harm is done by a hundred criminals than by one bad judge”. Prepare yourself to impart the first one. Take your right to be trained in this science that has provided justice to so many and injustice to so many others. And as José Martí would say: “Rights are taken, not asked for they are taken, not begged for”.


That is why we found it essential to add to our collection free books on law in PDF format, because we know that it is a complex universal science, but necessary in any nation.īy having our books in your personal library, you will have a solid foundation in this discipline and any of its aspects. The relevance of law lies, then, in the creation of laws for the regulation of conduct and coexistence. The notion of justice that we have as nations comes from a long republican and, later, democratic tradition, where systems can function in an acceptable manner. It is a form of containment of misconduct, more oriented towards animal instinct. Law is what gives us the guarantee of coexistence within the limits of respect for other citizens. Among the titles we offer you are: Introduction to law, labor law, commercial law, criminal law, tax law, civil law, constitutional and international law, among others. If you are a student of state law, our compendium of PDF books on law is very complete, covers all its branches and is also ideal for those who are just beginning to study it.

introduction to business law textbook pdf

Studying this discipline requires excellent preparation, as it deals with very delicate and sensitive issues for countries.

introduction to business law textbook pdf

Thanks to law, societies can live in order, under the same rules. We know that this is a dynamic science in constant transformation, but with immovable fundamental principles. On this occasion, we would like to present you our selection of law books.

Introduction to business law textbook pdf